A question came up in our group chat today about how do you set your intention before using the scan feature on Healy.
I jotted down the types of phrases I use and some other pointers I’ve picked up over the 2 years I’ve had my Healy. Perhaps it’ll be of help to someone else as a starting point …..
here are some examples of how intentions can be spoken :
“Which programs are most aligned for me at this time”
….can add that will support me most with __ at this time.
“Which of the programs is the one I need most for ….. in accordance with my highest good and greatest need.”
“My intention is to feel a growing strength of self esteem and worthiness “
“My intention as I scan is to receive the frequency support I need for ____”
“I call on my Angels/sacred Self/ I am presence, to show me which frequencies do I / this person / this place, need most at this time , for assistance with ___,(state the problem) and in accordance with the highest good of all. “
“I call on my Sacred self / God / Universal Love ( use word that works for you ) for guidance and to work with me through this tool, which areas do I need to most look to that can support me as I bring greater flow to this ____, in my life / body / mind / spirit. Thank you”
“My intent is to bring greater well being and balance to _____ my home / my physical body/ this area of my life. “
“Which frequencies do I need to increase well-being “
-insert words such as wellbeing/ growth / abundance / health / harmony
“Or which frequencies would assist me as I release or process this ____ ( describe the discomfort ) “
“Which frequencies can assist me to see the purpose or teaching, within this difficulty “
“I ask for guidance and greater understanding in the areas I need most at this time “
…..can add, “ especially concerning __ “ and then hold the problem in mind
“I ask for/ or it is my intention to call in, the frequencies most aligned to increasing my ….strength, resilience, hope, emotional well-being, increased physical vitality, optimum performance ….”
“I receive the frequencies that assist me, as I align with the truth of “I Am …..”
examples: I Am free, I Am sovereign, I Am loved.
I Am in flow. I Am whole.
Some further thoughts …
•Be clear with intention, but stay curious about how that will work as you scan.
•Always hold the energy of gratitude for receiving.
•Play with statements to see what words work for you.
•Does holding the problem in mind or does holding the resolved/improved state in mind when scanning work for you.
•Sometimes allowing ourselves to state the imbalance is not a negative thing it is directing attention to what we want to support.
•Equally other times we may feel we want to utilise the statement or intent in the positive of what it is we would like to bring in more of.
•Or we can use the power of an I Am … statement to affirm what it is that, we in our highest state already are. To align to that innate blueprint. This is a particularly good way when using the Coach analysis section in Healy.
•You can call on a higher wisdom in the divine sense, or within a higher part of your Soul, you can call on your body’s innate wisdom to guide or you can simply keep it as calling on the information field of all things.
•As you begin and get in the flow you’ll no doubt hear your inner voice make suggestions for your own phrasing and also your own timings on lengths of scans.
•Or tune in and just think what’s your first instinct, I want to run this for …so many mins, or I want to run it every day for a week.
•It’s good to interact between intuition and scanner, don’t depend solely on the scan but at the same time really value that it’s giving you good results to point you onwards.
•Like oracle cards read titles & descriptions, but also leave space for your intuition to be sparked and further insight to drop in from you.
•The most obvious program titles may not come up. Language in the titles can’t sum up all the frequencies that happen to lie within that program. You may just need a specific one. Vibrate the scan results anyway and watch for how you feel.
•Remain open and think outside boxes, language is a guide only, it’s more about the feeling, tone, sound. Like listening to a music track. Let your body take in what it needs.
•affirm you receive what you need in exactly the right amount and length
•know that as time goes by you develop more confidence and it becomes quicker to tune in to yourself, the scans give you plenty of feedback as they shift and change.
•beyond limits space time, if you remember a feeling of a certain program but don’t have your Healy with you, affirm and call it in, hold the intent of it being delivered and received.
•when scanning or sending frequencies to others, always ask permission, if it’s a situation that you can’t ask, such as after an accident or emergency, or for a pet, or child, then state “may these frequencies be offered to ___ that they may take only what they want and need, in accordance with their highest good”
In finishing, I’d add I haven’t come across any official recommendation from Healy upon intention, other than top leaders recommending you use them. So these are my own personal ways and phrasing, ive felt in harmony with.
They are shared perhaps to spark your own thoughts around creating your intent, prayer or affirmation with your own device as you scan. I think there’s so many unique ways to work with intent, it’s open to your own interpretation and to draw from your individual journey or spiritual practice.
with love