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May 30, 2009


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Dew in the grass.

The ground covered in petals or whirlies from a tree.

Feeling lovely and confident wearing my favorite scarf and sandals.

Right before the irises or peonies bloom, when their buds are huge, and I'm full of excitement.

My Saturday morning latte, and feeling so happy that I love my neighborhood.

=) Thanks. That felt good thinking of those things.

long elaborately drawn out degrees of bluing twilight on summer evenings.

mourning doves calling.

the warm riverstone roundness of a cat curled peacably purring in the lap.

the smell of books which are old, but new to you.

pioneering violets defiantly growing from cracks in barren concrete.

rain drops on spiders webs.

I love this collection of images, I can almost smell those white blossoms :)

I love simple, yet magical things :)

So much beauty here! Lovely job!

such a pretty collage!

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