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December 31, 2009


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Ohmygoodness. These are STUNNING! I will definitely be following her!
Honestly, just tell me there will be pictures of cats and I'll sign right up! =P

Magical indeed...and very dreamy!! Anna's eye and perspective are wonderful...they feel calm and peaceful to the eye!! What a delightful way to finish this calendar year as we look forward to those new experiences and fresh starts! Wishing you much joy and love in 2010 Kat!! xo

Oh, I love Anna's work!

Kat, may your 2010 be made of beauty and magic and tiny silver stars.

Lovely work!!! the collage is great!!

I wish you the best for 2010!!!

; )

Incredible and magical images, Kat! Thank you for sharing them. I so wish that your new year is dancing with starlight and that your dreams come true in 2010! There is no one who deserves it more. Very Happy New Year's Eve to you! xoxo

oh you know i saw that second image recently (the one with the lights) and was wondering where it came from, it's so pretty. now i know! thanks so much :D i'm going to check out anna's work right now.

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