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December 20, 2009


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Lovely! Thank you for this virtual journey! I want to go live in these photos for a while.

Hi Kathryn,
I so enjoy reading your lovely posts so I'm passing on this award I just received to you. It's just waiting for you at my blog. Don't feel obligated to post 7 things about yourself, I know it'a a busy time of year. But I do hope you drop by and pick it up :D

Heaps of Hugs,

So beautiful, very fairytale time of year! thank you x

Oh lovely, very original again! Very "Germanic" as needed and always surprising.
But why didn't you put any candy or sweets at all? I think you avoided it on purpose, am I right?

Again, this is my absolute favorite series at the moment in all my blogs list! Thanks!

PS: I've added your "Robin" photo to my "Advent Calendar" little collection today: hope you wont mind!!! :)

Oh lovely, very original again! Very "Germanic" as needed and always surprising.
But why didn't you put any candy or sweets at all? I think you avoided it on purpose, am I right?

Again, this is my absolute favorite series at the moment in all my blogs list! Thanks!

PS: I've added your "Robin" photo to my "Advent Calendar" little collection today: hope you wont mind!!! :)

Pretty pictures I would love to walk in the woods but feel at peace with nature. I'm a city kinda girl but I dream of having a little bit of country too!

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