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December 29, 2009


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Ohhhh...delicious!! Thank you so much for introducing me to Emma Cassi...so beautiful!!!

Where do I go for inspiraton? One place is most definitely here with you Kat...bright, beautiful and always full of places, people and things that inspire you!!


Such beautiful pieces!


Wow! Her work is beautiful!
I just LOVE lace!
I'll definitely be checking out her blog! =D


pretty! I need to get one some those!

Oh my word! This is itself is very inspiring. Some great ideas for lace, and bead jewellery. thanks for taking the time to do all this.
Amanda UK

Hi kat! she really have excellent creations. =) my favorite blog is Mitchelle Kanashkevich photography blog: http://mitchellktravelphoto.wordpress.com/
and my professor's good insights on anything: http://elisierfantillo.blogspot.com

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