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January 25, 2010


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Oh Kat, can't believe I missed your last post where you were mentioning it was your birthday! :(
Can you accept my late but sincere "happy birthday" wishes? Hope so! May this new year in your life be beautiful.


dear Kat, I'm so happy you had a wonderful day and received lots of love and wishes from around the world! We look forward to the photos when you are up to it. In the meantime, sending you love and strength. xoxo – g

I've never been here before, but I read your comment over at Digi Scribbles and was intrigued. Then when I read a few posts, I delved in and went into your archives. You write so beautifully about the daily struggles you must endure. I'm so glad I ran across your comment so I could find you! And though you don't know me at all, I wish you a very happy birthday. You have touched me with your blog in many different ways. And I shall be returning to visit.

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