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July 25, 2010


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you have photographed it so well & it works amazingly with flowers. i think it's the age that i like the most about it, how amazing that you are now the owner after so many years.

I adore the pink and yellow flowers together, it is a stunning mix. Hope your weekend has been good.

These are lovely!


Kathryn, this is a divine set of images! So very pretty and very you, all softness and sweet colours :) Nice work! It's lovely to see gorgeous creative posts from you xx

Thankyou for the wonderful words.
Ead thankyou for the encouragement it means alot as I admire your photography work greatly as you know sweetie.
This post was a work in progress for quite sometime so it's great to get such nice feedback.
Kat x

Beautiful photos, kathryn! And the china is gorgeous. You've got a great eye for loveliness and it shows in your images. Fabulous work! And thank you so much for the mention and link, dear! xoxo

Hi Kat, your photos are gorgeous and I love the use of flowers with the vintage china. The cupcake is cute too! I also love flowers, & I have a Nikon and mainly use the auto function...!!! Wishing you a lovely weekend :)


I love the last, last third & last fourth pictures where you put the petals! They match each other perfectly!

Yee Von

hello kat,
thanks for your nice words at my blog and at the guest post. i'm not the world's most active commenter but i hope you'll revisit =)
i love your tea set! your photos are pretty - i like the ones with the loose petals. i'm right with you re the camera settings; all the buttons can be a bit daunting (i only use a compact camera at the moment)...

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