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November 02, 2010


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Beautiful, dreamy and freshly fragrant, Kathryn ā€“ definitely a lovely daydream! xo ā€“ g

yes, and altho i had a weird reaction to my last perfume, i'm ready to try a new one. i love a pretty scent! :)

Gorgeous collection Kat, very very pretty :) I'm a big fan of g** too, her images are so beautiful, it's a pity she doesn't upload very much!

DEAREST KAT! I just noticed that you had visited my prior post, which I thought had finished receiving comments! I JUST WANT TO WELCOME YOU TO CHEZ MOI and thank you for coming! Please come again! Oh, I so love getting visits from England. Your blog is lovely, so very, very lovely. Did you illustrate the header? I am a teacher, but I am home today illustrating also.

Come back anytime! Anita

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