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March 16, 2011


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Ohh me please! I'm in Canada, so don't know if that would be an issue but if still available i'd love a set of 2 :)
Here's hoping i was quick enough...

Hello darling! This is a great a beautiful idea. I would love to be a part of it x

I'd love a set of two! Very beautiful :)
I already donated but I will again!
I'm planning on writing a japanse post too, will include Kayo too via you!

kat - that is such a beautiful idea - please count me in if there r any left - Kayo's work is so gorgeous....it's so hard to sit back & see the devastation going on in Japan / i find it hard to watch the news at the moment & cannot believe the amount of people who have lost their lives in this tragedy..am having a healing day myself - all that talk of amethyst yesterday sent me to my little hippy shop "gnostic forest" & of course i couldn't leave without a little amethyst bracelet & some precious stones...i really should stay away from there!! xxx

As always, dear Kat, your compassion and love are so evident here. I'm glad to hear Kayo is safe. I spent several years in Japan and went to school in Yokohama so it is even that much harder for me to see what is happening there. We are already donating through several agencies but do include me here, too. Thank you for your kindness and caring. Sending love.

I would love a set of the 2 postcards please kathryn, thank you for posting this, kayo's designs are beautiful
Vickie x

Dear Kat, you are very caring and have such a kind heart! If you have any more sets available, I would like to put my hand up. Kayo's illustrations are really lovely! Wini xo

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