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April 23, 2012


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hello sweet kat - so glad u r back & feeling a little brighter. xxx

great to hear you are getting well.... love the first picture!

Hahahahaha, I laughed out loud at the "(That means you Shanon!)" =D I know, I know, I know! ; )

Sooo glad u are feeling a little brighter lovely. I think our friendship together with Jules and Clare is such a genuinely lovely one. I really cherish it too xxxxx

We really enjoy the softness and sweet colours of your blog! The rose touches are just lovely...huge floral fans here :)

Those little heart printed sugar cubes are just precious!!! So cute for spring tea!

Glad to have found your blog!

~Lorrie and Sampson (mother/daughter blogging team)

Thank you for that lovely comment Lorrie and Sampson, you are so sweet
kathryn :)

Ooh I love your Eiffel tower. I collect them, where is this one from?

Thank you Paula, I've had it a long time, from the US.
Kat x

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