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May 12, 2012


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Hi Kathryn, Thank you for sharing this. I really enjoyed browsing through the 3byFryd magazine. So many pretty things.

PS: Love your blog :)

Maria, I'm so glad you liked by Fryd too
And thank you for your lovely words
Love k

how exciting - didn't realise i'd missed this - off to have a look. :)xxx

Hi Kathy, how are you? I LOVED your blog! You are like my twin-sister in soul!! It`s so heard to find someone like us...I`m very happy!! Do you have another e-mail like hotmail? And facebook? One last question: do you know the work of Katie Daisy and Amy Borrel?? It's so beautifful and tender... :)

Kisses&Hugs from Brasil!!


Marcela, you're so sweet !
I do know of Katie Daisy's work it's beautiful, I'll look up Amy too - thank you!!
I have a Facebook page for my blog, there's a link on the left here
Butterfly wishes kat x

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