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June 04, 2012


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Happy Belated Jubilee to you! =) LOVE the little Kat pic. =)

Love it all Kat and that pink tea towel is perfectly you!! Hope you enjoyed the events even if it was from your bed ;) Have loved all your pics on Instagram! You are like a Royal correspondent xxx

Just so wonderful!! Love the pics and the way you sum up the feeling of the UK right now. It makes me proud to be British :) Jules xoxo

Hi Kat! So happy that you and your Mam had your own special celebration. I can't say how cute that photo is of you at the Silver Jubilee. We watched most of the celebrations here and now I'm a bit sorry that I didn't try to stay for them. I came through London for just a few hours the weekend before.

Hope your roses are blooming now, dear.


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