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January 13, 2013


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Beautiful cushions. I miss your blog too and am happy to see some posts. Sending prayers for good health and strength. Love.

I'm sending lots of love, happiness and wishes of health to you Kat! xo Moa

Thinking of you Kathryn, wishing you strength and peace during this tough time for you xx

SO glad to see you post, even just a bit! :D *HUGS* Here's hoping that you are able to do the things you enjoy more in the future. :)


These are beautiful cushions. Love to see your posts, but you already knew that. ;)

Aw I see Milly and Ruby!!
We love our cushion so much Kat, in fact it keeps changing rooms because I like to see it where ever I go, it's a lovely reminder of our friendship and also pretty special in its own right ;)
So glad u are able to blog a bit again, it feels like visiting your home whenever I come over
Kindness, love and lots of light beautiful ! Xxx

I'm glad your back now, Kat. I missed you. Everybody missed you. I hope you’re in good condition now. Anyway, I love your cushion, Kat. They are all lovely. I love to have that one in our room. I’m looking forward for more post, Kat. Stay healthy!

Ah thanks Eva
I appreciate that lovely message. Things are marginally easier.
I'm posting again if I go carefully on how much I try to do.
Love Kat

Oh how lovely to see all our lovely cushions together! And so glad you are back to blogging. I have missed all these posts so lovely to stop by and catch up with them all xxx

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