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April 23, 2013


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Very, very sweet...Maddy is such a sweet girl!

what a lovely post! and a wonderful friend!
I really enjoyed looking at the pictures.
Thanks for sharing this with us !!

Hello my dear,

Just popped on to your lovely blog today and was so touched to see this. I'm quite overwhelmed actually. Made me smile so big and have butterflies in my stomach. You know i feel the same way about the friendship we have. :) So sorry i didn't see it sooner too. I love sending you flowers so much and i know you appreciate their petals more then any one i know. *smile* You are my BFFF(best flower friend forever) :) So wonderful to see the violet postcard in the frame. I'm sure it feels honored.

You have been on my mind so much this week. I hope you can hear and feel the loving thoughts i send even though they don't come in the mail. Love you so.

Peace and blessings,
Maddy xxxxx

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