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April 16, 2014


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You have returned! i missed you!

Great to have you back!

And lovely to discover some more healing scented things to keep at home xxx

So glad you are back posting, Kathryn. You were dearly missed. You always share the most beautiful and wonderful things.

I deleted my old blog - A Cottage In The Woods. And then started a new one - A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods, posting under my real name - Lin. Hope we'll stay in touch.

Sending hugs your way,

So lovely to see you here again......best wishes for good health, wealth, & happiness!:)

Oh Kathryn! You have posted! How lovely to pop by and see a new entry. I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photos. So glad you were able to write on secrets honey, I know how much it means to you xxx

Hi K,

I just was checking in here today and was so delighted to see your 2 posts of lovely things xx So happy!

M xx

Hi Kathryn,
I felt really relaxed and de-stressed just reading this post :)
I love to use essential oils but I live with my sister who is diabetic and can't be around them and it's SO frustrating!
However, I have started using the Batch flower remedies, the "comfort and reassure" mix is just lovely.
Anyway, so nice to hear from you again.
Jen xxx

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