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January 01, 2022


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Beautiful words Kat.
It's been so many years since visiting and following your blog. I stopped writing mine when my daughters grew up and left home.
My hubby and I returned back home to England almost 5 years ago.

Hazel xx


Hello Hazel

How lovely to hear from you.
My niece who is 6 loves playing with the little bunnies made from felt that I got from you!

I have not proper access to my blog as I’ve been back in bed for about 7 years, and the computer is not accessible.
But I can put up posts from my phone sometimes. It just means I can’t update any of the side links!

I share mainly on Instagram these days under my same name there.

I had never realised you were from England originally!

All the best so nice to hear your voice again
Kathryn x

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