I’m grateful for
The breath
The quiet, the strength, between the discord or despairs
The moments where accessing a higher Love is brought in
The moments where what’s needed comes
and where receiving is possible
The moments where signs are seen and courage re- felt
The times I’ve met myself unconditionally and the times I couldn’t but I saw her and loved her too
The times that have been too much
that I still made it forward with somehow
My parents
My home
Warmth, light, love
The rising up of those who need a voice
The deeper recognition of worth beyond doing
The teachers that have guided
The angels that have healed
The Earth as she’s held us still.
The friendships, the shares, the posts, the drs, the books,
the poets, that have opened me up to more
The photos that inspire or educate
The option to debate, & articulate
The connections here that have sustained me or brought me to things I wouldn’t have otherwise seen
The unknown becoming more known
Bringing in hope and things that we need,
owning our medicines
The way a birds song harmonises
The way frequencies are everything
Flowers, buttercups, like a star constellation
Green grass clippings in my crystal bag
Roses, the scent, the texture, the presence
Our garden waiting me and seeing me again
Crystals that upleveled and bring home here
Smiles of little ones on getting many gifts
Birthdays as a sign of making it through more than you imagined possible
Hearing what’s wanted to be said
Writing, Deciphering, Journeying
Feeling a greater sentience
Deer, Reindeer, white trees, amethyst, a soft breeze
Remembering where we really are
Luminous petals, Peaceful tracks
Home feeling close.
Clearing, transmuting
Discernment Non judgement
Drum, chime, bowl
Heart whole, while tattered
None of it mattered.
Stories, illusions, yet real tears, real fears
Holding, hiding, appearing, listening, guiding, wanting, trying,
Ending contracts
Unbinding seals
Letting beliefs go
Gifts of presence
Speaking love
Being tender when hurting
Battered, bruised, wanting
Undoing bindings
Mother Mary, St Germain,
bringing love back in again
Michael, Mary, Jeshua all
Writing, hearing, listening, guiding
I get scared to be
in case you take it away from me
But here it is
I’m not grateful to be here all of the time
Sometimes Not at all
But I’m grateful that under it all
You stand by me and I stand by me
I’m grateful that love matters
I’m grateful any amount of love matters
I’m grateful that loving makes a difference
I’m grateful that to love is to be
And to be, is all that’s necessary
I’m grateful to remember
where I’m at, what I’m doing,
who I am, what I care for,
who I can be, what I can do,
where I can go, how I can heal,
who I can teach, where I can learn.
I’m grateful to forget and let go what doesn’t matter,
heal what I need to hear,
hope for what I can accomplish,
let go of what isn’t important
and return to what feels like home
I’m grateful for the grace to choose again,
to undo, and to mend.
I’m grateful for the healing we took birth for
and the rebirth we are completing together
The patterns we have ended, the power we have rebuilt
The things we have reclaimed together,
and the light we’ve all beamed
I’m grateful that their are lanterns when the path gets dark and hands to lift us up when we can reach them
I’m grateful that God is working on all our behalves all at once
with No stone left unturned
Thank God for bigger pictures and finer details together,
and the threads we weave between
I’m grateful to my Heart
I’m so grateful for our path being cared for
So grateful for our hearts being heard
So grateful for our light that can’t ever end
And so grateful for a way to be here
Just anyway to make it all be easier,
and more fun, and more like we know it should be.
In love. In pure love.
That’s what I am grateful for
That’s what I’m grateful for,
pure love.
kathryn 1st January
I spoke this too
Beautiful words Kat.
It's been so many years since visiting and following your blog. I stopped writing mine when my daughters grew up and left home.
My hubby and I returned back home to England almost 5 years ago.
Hazel xx
Posted by: Hazel Rethman | January 24, 2022 at 04:31 PM
Hello Hazel
How lovely to hear from you.
My niece who is 6 loves playing with the little bunnies made from felt that I got from you!
I have not proper access to my blog as I’ve been back in bed for about 7 years, and the computer is not accessible.
But I can put up posts from my phone sometimes. It just means I can’t update any of the side links!
I share mainly on Instagram these days under my same name there.
I had never realised you were from England originally!
All the best so nice to hear your voice again
Kathryn x
Posted by: Kathryn | January 31, 2022 at 05:18 PM