Hello Sweetpeas,as you probably know by now i adore the work of British Jewellery designer Alex Monroe and have quite a few of his pieces from over the last, oh what must be 5 years or so now. So I was delighted to come across his new collection The Gardener,which on his website already! I hadnt been expecting it till the Spring.
As you know my own garden has been such an important thing in my life because its where i have been able to venture to when traveling any further was out of the question. It has been invaluable as a way of connecting with nature and all the healing things that it has to offer, such as sunlight and fresh air, watching birds and picking flowers. For 5yrs or more even this world was out of reach to me, so it holds even more of a precious place in my heart. Consequently anything that represents that healing environment to me is very symbolic, like a talisman. indeed apples themselves have somehow come to symbolise health to me. And a key has come to represent a type of freedom, an opening up, or having the key to my questions now with me.
I have a soft spot for peas because of eating them raw from the pods as a child at my dad's allotment. So i am rather taken with the pea pod necklace. But and its a big but, there's also a key though. Which to me is like the Secret Garden key that you open to enter a whole new beautiful world. One i imagine to be full of magical things,like little water fountains, rose bushes, badgers and red squirrels...just like in the film there'd be a wooden swing too,with trees in blossom, and the little robin. So now i think you've helped me pick, i am decided on the key. I really want to add it to my list for Christmas now. love Kat x
ps here's some of our little garden at various times of year. Its my dad who is the gardener and keeps everything going,(thankyou Dad xx) he grows alot from seed in the greenhouse. Flower for hanging baskets and vegetables for the allotment. My best friend Jo loved her garden, she would have been 41 today but passed away from cancer in 2006. So i am dedicating this post to her. Xxxox