there’s been some talk recently about no longer ascribing to “things happening for a reason”
I think it can still very much serve, especially if it encompasses more depth and more compassion for our very unique paths through life
Some thoughts around it …
”Things unfold in a sacred way”
I may not always understand with my mind, but I can intuit with my heart, that there is still love beneath it all, and love still is there with me through it all.
So things happening for a reason, or with a greater purpose, than we can always know of.. is it something that you utilise to continue through very difficult times ?
It’s something I’ve noticed a few people mentioning in Instagram or Facebook posts, saying it isn’t something they believe, or like to say. They share how it’s dismissive and by passing.
It’s such a multi layered topic, and I think it should be internal and never something we try to say to another, in over simplification.
It can be said so flippantly, even by therapists during deep work, or equally in passing on the surface to someone suffering intolerably during grief, and that’s where the hurt lies in it, I’ve felt it that way for sure.
But i also know the sustenance in it. I hold strongly to what’s happened to me having a higher reason, a meaning and a purpose. If i did not have that, I would not still be here.
As I see it too, if I did not believe in “things happening for a reason”. It would mean I believe “things happen for no reason whatsoever”, it’s random and bad luck.
And for me that does not fit with what life shows me. Even though certain things are v out of balance here, underlying is still Life created by Love and there’s a sacred order to how that is in existence.
That sacred energy that gifted me my body, that same intricacy, is involved in what i live through. From the tiniest cell that knows exactly what it’s doing to the largest things that happen, all is on purpose.
… it would be overwhelming to me to consider that the most traumatic things that happen were the very ones that had the least reason for doing so. As I think they have the most reason, they hurt us the deepest sometimes irreparably, and yet they have had to occur, for something else to. What that something else is, we can’t always fathom and sometimes simply cannot until we leave here .
Just like i can’t always fathom how the human body works, it’s too deep. Yet I can respect it knows what’s it’s doing and I think that’s how I feel about what life brings.
I’ll be able to make sense of the awful things one day, the same intelligence that brought me here to Live, is running through my life, I’m not separate to it.
Everything has purpose is the very heart for me, it’s never wasted, theres reason for having to have gone through this.