Dear Angels,
we as humans are in a dark night,
we know you draw close to those souls
who suffer in their own dark night of the soul,
as they go through something that changes their life,
and their heart irrevocably.
We know you and the Divine seek to be near them
and assist in all ways you can,
even though you cannot take away all pain.
We ask and pray that you are doing the same
for us as a family of humanity now.
We ask that you help us as we cannot understand the cause
meaning or purpose within the suffering of so many,
no more than sometimes we can understand
our own individual heartbreak.
In all that occurs,
especially in life’s most challenging of times,
we know what breaks apart,
can allow something different to emerge.
It cracks us open to more raw unfiltered feeling,
a sheer presence of being that is rare in the everyday,
but through which sharpened focus,
we get to see our lives so clear.
It moves away clouded thinking
that which covered our hearts so long,
so that we are acutely aware of the love that matters
and to whom that love belongs.
When all else falls away, it is that love that remains.
The love we have for family, friends,
the planet that is our home,
for all life that thrives here
for one another as a whole.
As each one of us processes such change and challenge.
We ask that you bring immense strength to us,
in all that we face.
And that you are with those in most need
at this time and going forwards in grace.
Be with those in sorrow and the deepest of grief,
Be close to those who mourn
and who are so cruelly forced apart.
Be next to anyone in pain and with those in their passing.
Be their light in this darkest of darkness, this we pray.
Over light our emergency workers and care givers,
our leaders, and those workers in key supporting roles.
Hear our value of them and their service to us
that stretches beyond all measure.
As we stop and take a collective pause,
may we reassess not just separately but together,
so when ready, we can make choices anew,
that honour the greatest thriving,
in, all around and through
May we be guided forward,
from this deepened reverence for life,
from our appreciation of our interdependence with others,
from our awareness of the gratitude
we hold for Mother Earth,
from our kindness received from our fellow humans.
May we build bridges back where once there were divides
May people and countries feel more unified
Dear angels
We know that we cannot always hear or see you,
nor truly understand your love and service to us.
there are many things we on earth cannot see,
we know you see us as so much more.
There is much that has been hidden to us.
Much we feel a call to remember and see anew
it lay just beyond our vision,
yet feels more within our grasp than ever now.
We dig deep in times of greatest sorrow and change,
we dig deep in our hearts,
leaving the minds questions to one side for now,
for we cannot know,
we can only feel our way through the darkness.
And to feel takes great heart.
We trust somehow the light reappears
just as it has in dark times of our history before.
We trust not because of what we cannot know,
but because of what we do.
We know that we have a huge capacity for love,
we know we have hearts wide as the sky
and deep as the oceans here on Earth,
and we know the power of our human resilience,
to rise together and overcome.
For we made it through darkness before,
changed and irrevocably stronger.
We won’t lose the precious clarity of seeing
what it is that matters most.
If that is what comes of this,
It is that we must honour & expand for all.
May time allow in great healing
and reemergence of light to be born.
As we keep tight hold to loving,
it casts a light into this dark.
A beam, a way forward
a path of which to follow on.
In weaving that same Love that’s with us,
into life when we go back,
our fabric of society and our humanity
will rise stronger
and brighter than ever before.
Dear angels,
lift us when we are weary,
and guide us when we lose sight,
refresh our courage when we are broken
and bring us back to our heart’s light.
Help us to hold to what matters most,
the Love we feel within.
We remember to call on you angels,
and to feel the love you hold us in,
6th April 2020